Double-Blind Peer Review Process

The Journal of Architecture (JA) uses double-masked peer review, whereby the authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout the review process. Once you submit your paper successfully, the following process takes place:

  1. All papers undergo an initial review to ensure they are within the scope of the JA, meet the JA’s minimum standards for scientific quality, and are in order regarding template use, formatting, referencing, etc. This initial review includes a check for plagiarism.
  2. Based on the initial review, one of three things may cause the paper not to progress at this stage:
    1. Papers outside the JA's scope or that do not meet minimum standards are rejected.
    2. Papers with formatting and referencing issues are returned to the authors for correction.
    3. Papers found to contain plagiarized content are rejected.
    The corresponding author will be notified of the decision regarding the paper.
  3. Papers that pass the initial review advance to peer review. Two expert peer reviewers are assigned for each paper. Additionally, a statistical review will be performed where needed.
  4. Once the peer reviews are completed, authors will be notified of the result. A manuscript will be:
    1. Accepted without any revision.
    2. Accepted with minor or major revisions. Authors will be asked to revise their manuscript based on the reviewers’ suggestions.
    3. Rejected following peer review. Authors will receive an email outlining the reason(s) for rejection.
  5. Authors have four weeks to revise their manuscripts based on the reviewers’ suggestions. A reminder will be sent in one week. If an extension is needed, please email
  6. The Chief Editor reviews revised manuscripts to ensure that corrections are incorporated into the text. Following the editor review, authors will be notified of the decision:
    1. Generally, papers are accepted.
    2. A paper may be returned to the authors for further revision.
    3. A paper may be rejected if the authors have failed to address reviewers’ comments.
  7. Once a paper has been accepted, it will be copyedited, and proofs will be sent to the authors for approval. Authors will receive email notification of publication.


Please email with any general questions about the JA’s publishing process. Please use the JA publishing guideline to send all emails—this helps the JA team keep track of all correspondence and ensures a timely response to queries.




ISSN NO. 2789-4185 (Print)

ISSN NO. 2789-4193 (Online)

Developed & Maintained by Ashik Mahmud